Enables 3D object reconstruction in a series of ways Version:1.0.
Enables 3D object reconstruction in a series of ways Version:1.0.
- Author
- Ugo Pattacini ugo.p.nosp@m.atta.nosp@m.cini@.nosp@m.iit..nosp@m.it, Tanis Mar tanis.nosp@m..mar.nosp@m.@iit..nosp@m.it
- Copyright
- Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0
seg2cloud applies disparity information to retrieve 3D clouds of desired objects. The objects can be chosen from a user defined polygon, from a segmentation algorithm, or from 2D (in color) or 3D (in depth) flood filling. When using other segmentatoin modules (2D or 3D), seeding can be performed automatically.
- – name: Name of the module
- – savename: Default file savename
- – savingClouds: Toggle save clouds as file
- – format: Default file format
- – seedAuto: Automatic seed computation
- – downsampling: Downsampling ratio pixel to pint for reconstruction
- – spatial_distance: Blob distance threshold for 3D flood (m)
- – color_distance: Blob distance threshold for 2D flood (RGB intensity)
Input Ports
- /seg2cloud/rpc:i [rpc] [default carrier:tcp]: Takes the following RPC commands
- help: produces this help.
- clear: Clears displays and saved points.
- saving (bool) save : Activates/deactivated saving each reconstructed cloud in file.
- setFormat (string) fileformat: Sets the format in which the points will be saved. 'fileformat' can be 'ply', 'off' or 'none'.
- setFileName (string) filename: Sets the base name given to the files where the 3D points will be saved.
- polygon: Gets pointcloud from the selected polygon on the disp image.
- flood: (int) color_distance [(int) u (int) v] : Gets pointcloud from 2D color flood. Seed (u, v) coords optional.
- flood3D (double) spatial_distance [u (int) v (int)]: gets pointcloud from 3D color flood. Seed (u, v) coords optional.
- seg [(int) u (int) v] : gets pointcloud from an externally segmented blob. Seed (u, v) coords optional.
- seedAuto (bool) auto : Toggles from manual (click) seed to 'automatic' for segmentation modes.
- /seg2cloud/disp:i [ImageOfPixelMono] [default carrier:udp]: Receives the disparity image.
- /seg2cloud/img:i [ImageOfPixelRgb] [default carrier:udp]: Receives the camera image.
- /seg2cloud/seed:i [Bottle] [default carrier:udp]: Receives the seed coordinates either from tracker or click.
Output Ports
- /seg2cloud/pnt:o [Bottle] [default carrier:tcp]: Sends out the reconstructed 3D object as a bottle of points, where each point is itself a list of 3 values x, y, z, and optionally other 3 r, g, b.
- /seg2cloud/pnt2D:o [Bottle] [default carrier:tcp]: Sends out the 2D coordinates of the segmented points used to retrieve the pointcloud.
- /seg2cloud/disp:o [ImageOfPixelRgb] [default carrier:udp]: Sends out the processed disparity, with segmented data or bounding box, for visualization.
- /seg2cloud/SFM:rpc [rpc] [default carrier:tcp]: rpc port to communicate with the SFM module, to receive disp data and the 3D points.
- /seg2cloud/seg:rpc [rpc] [default carrier:tcp]: rpc port to communicate with the segmentation module, to receive the segmented blob points.