Extracts brightest blob in a gray image Version:1.1.
Extracts brightest blob in a gray image Version:1.1.
- Author
- Tanis Marta.nosp@m.nis..nosp@m.mar@i.nosp@m.it.i.nosp@m.t, Giulia Pasqu.nosp@m.aleg.nosp@m.iulia.nosp@m..pas.nosp@m.quale.nosp@m.@iit.nosp@m..it
- Copyright
- Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0
This module takes as input a grayscale image and outputs the brightest blob both as a binary image and as an extracted rectangular crop around it, plus the blob centroid's coordinates and approximated area.
- – name: Name of the module
- – robot: Robot used
- – imH: Image height
- – imW: Image width
- – cropSize: [auto|int] side of the extracted crop. If it is an int the crop is a square region around the blob's centroid. If it is set to 'auto' the crop encloses the blob's shape.
- – margin: Margin (border) to be left around the blob in the extracted crop (used only if cropSize='auto')
- – backgroundThresh: Background Threshold
- – minBlobSize: Minimum blob size
- – gaussSize: Gaussian blur size
- – imageThreshRatioLow: Max luminance ratio within blob, below avg lum.
- – imageThreshRatioHigh: Max luminance ratio within blob, over avg lum.
Input Ports
Output Ports
- /dispBlobber/blobs/left:o [Bottle] [default carrier:tcp]: Coordinates of the blob's centroid on the left image and approximated area.
- /dispBlobber/blobs/right:o [Bottle] [default carrier:tcp]: Coordinates of the blob's centroid on the right image and approximated area.
- /dispBlobber/opt:o [ImageOfPixelMono] [default carrier:udp]: Binary image of selected blob.
- /dispBlobber/crop:o [ImageOfPixelBgr] [default carrier:udp]: Cropped region around the selected blob.
- /dispBlobber/points3d:o [Bottle] [default carrier:tcp]: 3D Coordinates of the blob's centroid in the root RF.
- /dispBlobber/roi/left:o [Bottle] [default carrier:tcp]: Coordinates of the TL and BR points of the ROI around the blob on the left image.
- /dispBlobber/roi/right:o [Bottle] [default carrier:tcp]: Coordinates of the TL and BR points of the ROI around the blob on the right image.
- /dispBlobber/sfm/rpc [Bottle] [default carrier:tcp]: RPC port communicating with the SFM module RPC port.