Learning module of the KARMA Experiment

Machine Learning Module that allows the robot to learn online and predict a one-to-one map.

Machine Learning Module that allows the robot to learn online and predict a one-to-one map.


This module belongs to the suite of KARMA software and is responsible for learning a generic map from $ R $ to $ R $.



–context context

–from file

Ports Created

/karmaLearn/plot:o streams out images containing the learned maps.

Configuration Files

The configuration file passed through the option –from looks like as follows:

name karmaLearn // the module's stem-name
num_items 0 // the number of items
in_lb 0.0 // scaler lower bound in
in_ub 360.0 // scaler upper bound in
out_lb 0.0 // scaler lower bound out
out_ub 2.0 // scaler upper bound out

Moreover, once some learning has been carried out, the configuration file will be filled with the sections corresponding to the items.

Tested OS

Windows, Linux

Ugo Pattacini