Helper funtions to assist IOL demo

A container collecting useful functions that help IOL accomplish its tasks.

A container collecting useful functions that help IOL accomplish its tasks.


Available requests queried through the rpc port:

  1. NAME. The format is: [name] "name_sm_0" "name_sm_1" ... This request allows merging the list provided by the State Machine within the request (i.e. "name_sm_0" "name_sm_1" ...) with further objects names stored within the objectsPropertiesCollector database.
    The format of the reply is: [nack]/[ack] "name_sm_0" "name_sm_1" ... "name_opc_0" "name_opc_1" ...
  2. SET NAV LOCATION. The format is: [navs] "location_name" x y theta. This request allows creating a location within the database.
    The format of the reply is: [nack]/[ack].
  3. GET NAV LOCATION. The format is: [navg] "location_name". This request allows retrieving a location from the database.
    The format of the reply is: [nack]/[ack] x y theta.
  4. CLASS. The format is class. It serves the classification request to be forwarded to the external classifier.



–name <string>

–context_extclass <string>

–memory_extclass <string>

Ports Created

Tested OS

Linux and Windows.

Ugo Pattacini