Short description of your work. Version: version of your code.
Short description of your work. Version: version of your code.
- Author
- Name Surname
- Copyright
- License terms, for example: released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0 .
Here you can provide a detailed description of what your module does, how it is structured, how it works, how to use it and so on.
- –parameter-0: Describe the meaning and effect of parameter no. 0
- –parameter-1: Describe the meaning and effect of parameter no. 1
Input Ports
- /how-to-document-modules/data:i [data type] [default carrier:tcp/udp/..]: Short description of your port behaviour.
Output Ports
- /how-to-document-modules/data:o [data type] [default carrier:tcp/udp/..]: Short description of your port behaviour.
- /how-to-document-modules/rpc [rpc-server]: service port . This service is described in howToDocument_IDL (idl.thrift)