
The module performs a sequence of coding and pooling operator and retrieves a hierarchical image representation.

The module performs a sequence of coding and pooling operator and retrieves a hierarchical image representation.


This module is responsible for coding images into feature vectors. To this end, we extract local appearance descriptors (sparse or dense). These descriptors are coded using a learned dictionary and the pooled together via a spatial pyramid representation.

The commands sent as bottles to the module port /sparseCoder/rpc are the following:

(notation: [.] identifies a vocab, <.> specifies a double, "." specifies a string)

HELP format: [help] action: it prints the available commands.

DUMP_SIFT format: [dump] "a" action: starts to dump local descriptors that can be used for dictionary learning. "a" is an optional parameters that stands for "append" in case you want to keep old descriptors previously dumped.

DICTIONARY_LEARNING format: [learn] <dictionarySize> "usePCA" <dimPCA> action: starts to learn a dictionary from previously dumped local descriptors. <dictionarySize> is the number of atoms of the dictionary, "usePCA" performs standard PCA analysis on low-level descriptors before the encoding and <dimPCA> indicates the number of relevant eigenvectors that you want use for the projection.


Ports Created


–dictionary_file file

–coding_mode coding

–nearest_neighbor knn

–dense_descriptors [1|0]

–grid_scale scale

–grid_step step

Tested OS


Sean Ryan Fanello, Carlo Ciliberto