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How to detect TUG start and finish lines

This tutorial will show you how to detect start and finish lines defined for the TUG on the robot and in gazebo.

Using ArUco boards

In order to identify a line, we rely on ArUco boards provided by OpenCV, which are sets of markers whose relative position is known a-priori. OpenCV provides the API to easily create and detect such boards.


A board compared to a set of independent markers has the advantage of providing an estimated pose usually more accurate, which can be computed even in presence of occlusions or partial views (not all markers are required to perform pose estimation).

For the TUG, we define two lines, which are ArUco boards with a single line of 6 markers, belonging to two different marker dictionaries and thus uniquely identified.


  • the start-line: where the user's chair is placed;
  • the finish-line: which the user has to cross;


    Check out more on markers and dictionaries here.

The lines we use can be found here. Each line is composed of two images, ending with _0 and _1. You will need to print them separately and then stick them together as following:



origin in the bottom left corner
x (red) pointing along the line's length
y (green) pointing along the width
z (blue) pointing out of the line


This is required to have a board big enough to be robustly detected in the image, given we use a camera resolution of 320x240 px.

Rationale: a world made of lines, robots and skeletons

Why do we need such lines?

The TUG itself requires a finish line indicating the end of the path to cross before going back to the chair. We decided to rely on robot's perception and visually identify such line only once before starting the exercise. Such information feeds our database and thus the information is kept even if / when the line is not visible.

When the odometry starts, the robot is assumed to be in the origin, which is however a random point in the world. In order to have a starting reference point for the odometry, we further introduced an additional line, the start-line: when such line is detected, the line frame becomes the world, with x pointing along the line length, y along its width and z out of the line, and robot and skeletons are referred to it.

The following shows an example of our world:

Detecting lines on the robot


We assume the robot is running, with the motors on.

On the robot assistive-rehab and its dependencies are already set, with the required applications in the yarpmanager. However, you can check requirements and installation instructions here.

We will need to move the robot around and for doing so we can use the joystick to control it. Turn on the joystick, open yarpmanager and click R1_joystick_mobile_base_control. Hit run and connect.


The required app can be found here.


Open yarpmotorgui --robot cer --parts "(mobile_base)" and click on the yellow pause icon to idle the wheels. Now you will be able to manually move the robot around.

In the yarpmanager, click on Assistive Rehabilitation lineDetector App , hit run and connect.


If you are already running the demo, you can skip this last step: all the required modules are running already.


navController and cer_gaze_controller are required from lineDetector to estimate the robot position with respect to the start line.

Next step is to adjust the robot's head to have the lines in the field of view. Therefore, open a terminal and type:

yarpmotorgui --robot cer --parts "(head)"

This will open the GUI where you will be able to directly control the head of the robot. Move the first joint (pitch) until the line is visible in yarpview (up to ~20 degree).

Now use the joystick to move the robot in front of the start-line.

Mind the order

The order of detection is important: since the start-line is used as reference frame, this has to be detected first.

Open a terminal and type:

````tab="Terminal 1" yarp rpc /lineDetector/cmd:rpc detect start-line

<p align="center"> <img src="" width=700> </p>

Before starting the detection, the robot is in a random position:

- when the detection starts, the estimated pose appears on the `yarp` viewer;
- when the `ack` is provided, the detection is complete: the pose is estimated and the line appears on the `skeletonViewer`, with the robot position recalculated with respect to the line.
From now on, the start line is the origin of the world and robot and skeletons positions are referred to it.  

!!! note
    The estimated pose is filtered by means of a median filter, thus the detection takes few seconds.

We need now to detect the `finish-line`. As before, move the robot in front of the line and in `Terminal 1`, type:

````tab="Terminal 1"
detect finish-line


When the command provides an ack, the detection is complete and the finish line appears on skeletonViewer.


The robot navigates the environment, reaching the desired targets with errors accepted within some tolerances (defined in navController). Such errors accumulate over time and after a while it might be necessary to update the robot position (the real robot position drifts from what you see on skeletonViewer).

For doing so, you can physically move the robot to one of the lines and run the command update_odometry, specifying the line's tag and the robot orientation with respect to the start-line: skeletonViewer will show the updated position.

Detecting lines in gazebo

Now we are going to see how to detect these lines in gazebo.


After installing assistive-rehab and its requirements, you will need the following dependencies:

  • gazebo: for running the virtual environment;
  • gazebo-yarp-plugins: for exposing YARP interfaces in gazebo;
  • cer-sim: which includes the robot model loaded by gazebo in AssistiveRehab-TUG_SIM.xml.template;
  • cer: for running the cer_gaze-controller;
  • navigation: for running baseControl.

Preparing your environment

The first step you need to take is to prepare your environment.

The folder assistive-rehab/app/gazebo/tug includes the sdf models of the Aruco boards (namely aruco_board_start and aruco_board_finish) and the world including the robot and the lines (namely

Following this gazebo tutorial, you need to let gazebo know where models and worlds are located. For doing this, you will need to set the following environment variables:

  • GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH: has to point to the folder including the models (assistive-rehab/app/gazebo/tug);
  • GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH: has to point to the folder including the world application (assistive-rehab/app/gazebo/tug);

Running the application

In assistive-rehab/app/scripts you will find the application AssistiveRehab-TUG_SIM.xml.template to run the TUG demo in gazebo.

First, you need to run yarpserver, opening a terminal and typing:


Open yarpmanager, run the AssistiveRehab-TUG_SIM.xml and hit connect.


The xml is conceived for the complete TUG demo, therefore not all modules are required for this specific application. In the complete application, lineDetector takes the RGB input propagated from yarpOpenPose. For this specific application, you don't need to run yarpOpenPose and can simply connect /SIM_CER_ROBOT/depthCamera/rgbImage:o to /lineDetector/img:i.

You will need to run the following modules:

  • gazebo: to run gazebo and load the world;
  • objectsPropertiesCollector: to store the robot skeleton and the lines within a yarp-oriented database;
  • robotSkeletonPublisher: to publish the skeleton representing the robot;
  • baseControl: to control the robot's base;
  • navController: to send commands to baseControl;
  • cer_gaze-controller: to control the robot's gaze;
  • lineDetector: to detect the lines;
  • yarpview --name /viewer/line: to visualize the detected lines in the RGB image;
  • skeletonViewer: to visualize the detected lines and the robot skeleton in the world.


You can customize the app by removing unnecessary modules. You can save the app in your folder $HOME/.local/share/yarpand exploit the shadowing mechanism. In this way, when you open yarpmanager, your customized app will be automatically loaded.

You should now see the gazebo GUI with the robot and the two Aruco boards loaded, as following:


You can see there are two Aruco boards: we identify the closer to the robot as finish-line and the further as start-line. Let's detect these lines! You will need to move the robot's head to have the lines in the field of view. Therefore, open a terminal and type:

yarpmotorgui --robot SIM_CER_ROBOT --parts "(head)"

As with the real robot, move the first joint (pitch) until the line is visible in yarpview (up to ~20 degree).

Since we don't have a joystick to control the robot in gazebo, we can rely on navController for moving it. You will then need to send commands to navController (Terminal 1) for moving the robot and lineDetector (Terminal 2) for detecting the lines. Therefore, open two terminals and type:

````tab="Terminal 1" yarp rpc /navController/rpc

````tab="Terminal 2"
yarp rpc /lineDetector/cmd:rpc


From now on, I will refer to Terminal 1 for commands provided to navController and Terminal 2 for commands to lineDetector.

Let's start to detect the start-line. When the application starts, the start line is out of the robot's field of view. Therefore you have to move the robot to a point of the world where the line is visible. For doing so, you can use the go_to service provided by navController, typing the command shown in Terminal 1. This will move the robot 2.5 meters forward keeping its current orientation and you will see the robot approaching the line. When the robot stops, the line will be in the robot's field of view and you can detect it through the detect service provided by lineDetector, typing the command shown in Terminal 2:


When the application starts, the robot reference frame follows the following convention: X pointing forward, Y pointing left, Z pointing up.

````tab="Terminal 1 (navController)" go_to 2.5 0.0 0.0

````tab="Terminal 2 (lineDetector)"
detect start-line


navController and lineDetector provide services through thrift. Therefore, you can check what's required by the specific service typing help followed by the name of the service (for example help go_to).

This is what you should see:


As with the real robot, when the start line is estimated it appears in the skeletonViewer and becomes the origin of the world: the robot position in the skeletonViewer is recalculated with respect to the line.

Let's now detect the finish-line. The procedure is the same as before, therefore you will have to move to robot to a point of the world where the finish line is visible.


Keep in mind that the robot position is now referred to the start line. Therefore the robot reference frame is: X pointing right, Y pointing forward, Z pointing up.

Again, use the go_to service provided by navController, typing the command shown in Terminal 1. The robot will start approaching the line. When the robot stops, you can detect the finish line through the detect service provided by lineDetector, typing the command shown in Terminal 2:

````tab="Terminal 1 (navController)" go_to 0.0 -5.5 90.0 true

````tab="Terminal 2 (lineDetector)"
detect finish-line


The true flag in Terminal 1 allows the robot to move backward.

This is what you should see:


Finally, to check that the line is estimated correctly, you can use the go_to_line service provided by lineDetector, as shown in Terminal 2:

tab="Terminal 2 (lineDetector)" go_to_line finish-line

You will see the robot going to the finish line origin:
