
Adds the include_url() command that useful to download and include other CMake modules from a given url.


Downloads a file from given url and includes it:

include_url(<url>                 # Url to be downloaded
   [DESTINATION <destination>]    # Where the file will be saved
   [EXPECTED_HASH <ALGO=value>]   # Verify downloaded file's hash
   [EXPECTED_MD5 <sum>]           # Short-hand for "EXPECTED_HASH MD5=sum"
   [DOWNLOAD_ONCE]                # Download the file only once
   [DOWNLOAD_ALWAYS]              # Download the file every time
   [OPTIONAL]                     # Do not fail file cannot be included
   [RESULT_VARIABLE <variable>]   # The local path for the file included
   [RETRIES <retries>]            # Try download <retries> times (default 3)
   [QUIET]                        # Don't print anything
  #--Download arguments-----------
   [INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT <timeout>] # Timeout after <timeout> seconds of inactivity
   [TIMEOUT <timeout>]            # Timeout after <timeout> seconds
   [STATUS <status>]              # Download status variable
   [LOG <log>]                    # Download log variable
   [SHOW_PROGRESS]                # Show download progress
   [TLS_VERIFY <on|off>]          # Check certificates
   [TLS_CAINFO <file>]            # Custom Certificate Authority file
  #--Include arguments------------
   [NO_POLICY_SCOPE]              # Do not manage a new policy entry

The include_url macro downloads a file from given url and includes it. It works both in -P script mode and when configuring a CMakeLists.txt file.

If DESTINATION is specified, the file is saved at the given location with the original file name, if <destination> is a directory, or with the given file name, if <destination> is a file name.

The arguments EXPECTED_HASH, EXPECTED_MD5 are used to ensure that the file included is the one expected. If the <url> is a local file (i.e. starts with file://) the hash check is performed also on the file converted to the non-native end-of-line style. See the documentation of the file() command for further information about these arguments.

If the DOWNLOAD_ONCE option is specified, the file is not downloaded if the file already exists and the hash is correct. If the DOWNLOAD_ALWAYS option is specified, the file is downloaded at every CMake execution, and an error is raised on failure. If none of these two option is specifies, the default behaviour is to try to download the file at every CMake execution, but no error is raised if the download fails if a version of the file already exists. This is useful when CMake should try to update the file to the latest version, before including it.

If the OPTIONAL option is specified, no error will be caused if for any reason the file cannot be downloaded or included. If RESULT_VARIABLE is given, the variable will be set to the full filename which has been downloaded and included or NOTFOUND if it failed. See the documentation of the file() command for further information about these arguments.

If the RETRIES option is specified, the download will be tried If the QUIET option is specified, the command will emit no output.

The arguments INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT, TIMEOUT, STATUS, LOG, SHOW_PROGRESS, TLS_VERIFY, and TLS_CAINFO are passed to the file(DOWNLOAD) command. See the documentation of the file() command for a detailed description of these arguments.

The arguments NO_POLICY_SCOPE is passed to the include() command. See the documentation of the include() and cmake_policy() commands for a detailed description of this argument.