
Searches for a package and builds it if it cannot be found.


Searches for a package and builds it if it cannot be found:

find_or_build_package(<PackageName> <find_package_args>)

This module tries to locate a package using find_package(). If the package cannot be found it tries to build it, by including Build<package>. This file should contain the instructions to download and build the package (for example using ExternalProject)

The arguments passed to the function, are passed to the find_package() command.

FIXME Figure out how to handle the REQUIRED and QUIET arguments

If the package was found, the USE_SYSTEM_<PackageName> cached variable can be disabled in order to force CMake to build the package instead of using the one found on the system. To automatically force CMake to build all the packages that are also found on the system, the YCM_DISABLE_SYSTEM_PACKAGES cache variable can be enabled.

This function sets these variables:

HAVE_SYSTEM_<PackageName> # The package was found on the system
HAVE_<PackageName> # The package is available

The user should use the latest, to check if a package is available, instead of checking using <PackageName>_FOUND. For example

FIXME Check uppercase (${_PKG}) and lowercase (${_pkg}) variables


Using this variable, building a package is explicitly forbidden. therefore if the package cannot be found on the system, the HAVE_<PackageName> will be set to false.