Here is a list of all modules:
 edisonSegmentationWrapper to the The EDISON system: a low-level vision tool that performs confidence based edge detection and synergistic image segmentation
 graphbasedSegmentationWrapper module that performs graph-based image segmentation exploiting the algorithm developed by Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher (Brown University)
 lumaChromaReceives an rgb image, depending on the image type the user wants to work on (YUV or HSV) the module extracts the Y, U and V or H, S, and V planes and performs centre-surround processing with a construction of uniqueness maps (intensity saliency, colour, hue, saturation and value ) via a difference-of-Gaussian pyramid filter bank
 Blob ExtractorModule that uses the data from the lumaChroma module to extract blobs that are available
 dispBlobberExtracts brightest blob in a gray image Version:1.1
 lbpExtractThis module is a two step module that firstly uses Local Binary Pattern as a texture analisys in order to detect objects that are on the table and secondly, segment these object using a grabCut algorithm
 seg2cloudEnables 3D object reconstruction in a series of ways Version:1.0