edisonSegmentation | Wrapper to the The EDISON system: a low-level vision tool that performs confidence based edge detection and synergistic image segmentation |
graphbasedSegmentation | Wrapper module that performs graph-based image segmentation exploiting the algorithm developed by Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher (Brown University) |
lumaChroma | Receives an rgb image, depending on the image type the user wants to work on (YUV or HSV) the module extracts the Y, U and V or H, S, and V planes and performs centre-surround processing with a construction of uniqueness maps (intensity saliency, colour, hue, saturation and value ) via a difference-of-Gaussian pyramid filter bank |
Blob Extractor | Module that uses the data from the lumaChroma module to extract blobs that are available |
dispBlobber | Extracts brightest blob in a gray image Version:1.1 |
lbpExtract | This module is a two step module that firstly uses Local Binary Pattern as a texture analisys in order to detect objects that are on the table and secondly, segment these object using a grabCut algorithm |
seg2cloud | Enables 3D object reconstruction in a series of ways Version:1.0 |