
Demo for moving the robot joints in a coordinated fashion.

Demo for moving the robot joints in a coordinated fashion.


This modules move the robot into a series of positions. Repeat forever or until quit (whichever comes first).


YARP libraries.


–robot robotname –positions filename.txt

Optionally: –verbose: print sequence of positions and speeds

Ports Accessed

Access robotInterface ports.

Ports Created

Creates remote_controlboard for each of the robot parts.

Configuration Files

The module requires a sequence of positions: –positions.

The file consists in a few sections:

time 2

specifies the time between two movements.

Follows a file for each robot parts. The file contains the list of positions to cycle.

RIGHTARM right_arm.ini
LEFTARM left_arm.ini
RIGHTLEG right_leg.ini
LEFTLEG left_leg.ini
HEAD head.ini
TORSO torso.ini

Tested OS

Linux and Windows.

Lorenzo Natale