
:warning: These instructions are the standard way to set-up the YARP/event-driven environment on an sd-card meant for the zcb or z-turn. If you already have a working sd-card you can simply copy the sd-card. You can find instructions for copying an sd-card at the bottom.

How to set-up an SD for a zynq board

:warning: These instructions are only needed if your SD card has a fresh OS install and the event-driven library is not yet compiled. These instructions shuold be performed on the ZCB/z-turn and not your own laptop.

Set-up icub user

As root:

adduser icub
groups icub

Add line: icub ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

Set up repositories

As icub:

Note 1:

As only basic YARP support is needed, not all dependencies are required to be installed, instead install only:

sudo apt install [TODO]

Note 2:

The newest YARP requires CMake>3.5, which is not installable via apt on the Debian 8.10 (jessie) distribution we have installed on the zynq. To upgrade CMake you need to install it via backports (reference: https://backports.debian.org/Instructions).

:warning: these instructions are out of date (see this solution)

To do so:

We can consider updating the Debian distribution of the zynq boards since the Debian 8.10 is no longer supported by YARP

Note 3:

When installing event-driven use the following options for cmake:


Set up device drivers

As icub:

sudo usermod -a -G i2c icub
sudo vim /lib/udev/rules.d/77-iit-hpu.rules

Add lines:

SUBSYSTEM=="iit-hpu-class", GROUP="i2c"


sudo vim /etc/rc.local

Add lines:

insmod /home/icub/iit-hpucore-dma.ko rx_pn=1024 rx_ps=8192 rx_to=5000


Check the device driver meta data:

udevadm info -q all -a /dev/iit-hpu0

Check the device driver parameters:

cat /sys/module/iit_hpucore_dma/parameters/ps

How copy an entire sd-card for a new board