Comprehensive Installation

We'll go through the recommended set-up of event-driven for a first time user of the YARP environment. The first step is to create a directory in which to install YARP, event-driven and the eventual modules you will write. For example:

mkdir ~/yarp-install

Secondly, we want to set up some environment variables that will make the install go smoother. Use your favourite text editor to open ~/.bashrc and add the following lines:

export INSTALL_DIR=~/yarp-install
export YARP_DATA_DIRS=$INSTALL_DIR/share/yarp:$INSTALL_DIR/share/event-driven

and don't forget to source ~/.bashrc to apply the changes!

Next we want to get the required repositories. Change directory into one in which you want these projects, for example:

mkdir ~/projects && cd ~/projects


git clone https://github.com/robotology/YCM.git
git clone https://github.com/robotology/yarp.git
git clone https://github.com/robotology/event-driven.git

:warning: We are going to build the repositories in the above order too! However, first you might need some extra dependencies for YARP. One option is to go here and follow the Getting all dependencies instructions (either installing dependencies yourself or adding to the apt path).

:warning: the versions of each software that you checkout are current as of the writing of this tutorial. If a newer stable version of YCM or YARP is available it is recommended to upgrade to that version. Use git ls-remote --tags origin to see all versions available.

Now you have dependencies, let's install YCM:

cd ~/projects/YCM
git checkout v0.10.4
mkdir build && cd build
make install -j$(nproc)

Then let's install YARP:

cd ~/projects/yarp
git checkout v3.2.1
mkdir build && cd build
make install -j$(nproc)

Finally, let's install event-driven:

cd ~/projects/event-driven
mkdir build && cd build
make install -j$(nproc)

Continue with the tutorials to test your installation, or:

Install icub-main (optional)

icub-main is used if you are using the iCub robot and want to enable some of the event-driven modules that control the robot. To install icub-main do:

cd ~/projects
git clone https://github.com/robotology/icub-main.git
cd icub-main
mkdir build && cd build
make install -j$(nproc)