Testing your install with the viewer

Visualise a stream of events either from real hardware/camera or from a pre-recorded sequence.


This application demonstrates how to visualise a stream of address events either from the cameras or from a pre-recorded sequence. The event stream is transmitted from the cameras (/zynqGrabber/AE:o) to the vPreProcess (/vPreProcess/AE:i), that removes salt-and-pepper noise from the event stream. The filtered stream (/vPreProcess/left:o and /vPreProcess/right:o) is sent to vFramer (/vFramer/left/AE:i), that converts it to a yarpview-able image. The "images" from left (/vFramer/left/image:o) and right camera (/vFramer/right/image:o) are then sent to the yarp viewers (/viewCh0 and /viewCh1).

Here is a visualisation of the instantiated modules and connections.

How to run the application

These are basic instructions for first time YARP users, assuming the comprehensive instructions have been followed.

Using actual hardware/camera? Skip ahead. Using a dataset? Follow these instructions:

Using real hardware/camera?

Okay - yarpdataplayer users, and hardware users back together here: